Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ne Me Me free essay sample
Tai was overjoyed when she learned that she would be promoted to a position with higher responsibility and pay. However, even before hearing about the promotion, she believed that the regional manager who made the promotion decision was fair-minded. Use the emotions, attitudes, and behavior model to explain how Tais emotions and beliefs influence her positive feelings towards the regional manager. Tia felt a since of fulfillment. She felt as though she was being valued as an employee and her hard work paid off in getting a promotion. The manager most likely realized her great work ethics and her leadership skills. She probably didn’t let external factors interfere with her work and showed a positive attitude through each situation. 2. Explain how an employees attitudes might be affected by cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs when we perceive an inconsistency between our beliefs, feelings, and behavior. When this inconsistency violets our self-concept, it generates emotions that motivate us to change one or more of these elements. For example, you agreed to accept a foreign posting, even though it didn’t interest you, because you believed it might be necessary for promotion into senior management. However, you later learn that many people become senior managers in the firm without spending any time on foreign assignment. In this situation you will most likely experience cognitive dissonance because of the inconsistency between your beliefs and feeling and behavior. 3. What is emotional labor? What types of jobs involve emotional labor? Emotional labor is the effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions during interpersonal transactions. Emotional labor is higher in jobs requiring a variety of emotions and more intense emotions, as well as in jobs where interaction with clients is frequent and has a longer duration. It also increases when employees must precisely rather than casually abide by the display rules. This particularly occurs in the service industries, where employees have frequent face-to-face interactions with clients. 4. Three employees believe that their pay is too low. One of them quits, the second complains to management about the low pay, and the third does nothing. Explain why these employees engaged in different behaviors even though they held the same beliefs about their pay checks. Exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) model- The four ways, as indicated in the name, that employees respond to job dissatisfaction. The first person exited from the company, the second person voiced their opinion in attempt the change the low pay they were receiving, and the third person showed their loyalty but saying nothing and staying with the company. . Briefly explain and distinguish the two forms of organizational commitment. Affective commitment is the employee’s emotional attachment to, identification with, and involved in a particular organizational. It is an emotional attachment to the organization a person’s feeling of loyalty. Affective commitment differs from continuance commitment, which is a calculative attachment. Employees have high continuance commitment whey they do not particularly identify with the organization where they work but feel bound to remain there because it would be too costly to quit. . Jake tells you that he is feeling very stressed. Based on your knowledge of the general adaptation syndrome, what information would you ask for or look for to determine what stage of stress Jake is experiencing? I would ask Jake what he struggles with at work and how well does he take care of his physical and health. After I have realized that Jake’s energy level and coping with effectiveness has decreased I would temporarily remove him from work to give him time to get his physical and mental health back right. A vacation will help him recover from stress and reenergize for future challenges. If Jake is becoming ill and is showing signs of prolonged stress I would know that he is in the second stage of the general adaptation syndrome. I would ask him why he thinks that he is becoming ill and what does he think the cause of his stress is. If Jake comes into work exhausted it would be clear to see that he is in the third stage. I would require him to practice relaxation and meditation throughout the workday. He would also be required to maintain a journal of his daily physical exercises. This will prevent him from the risk of long 7. Briefly describe the five ways of managing work-related stress. Remove the stressor usually begins by identifying areas of high stress and determining the main cause of the stress. By identifying the specific stressors that adversely affect specific areas of the organization, such ‘stress audits†recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach to stress management is ineffective. Withdraw from the stressor. Permanently or temporarily remove employees from the stressor. Permanently withdrawal occurs when employees are transferred to jobs that better fit their competencies and values. Temporarily withdrawing from stressors is the most frequent way that employees manage stress. Change stress perceptions. Help employees improve their self-concepts so that job challenges are not perceived as threatening. Personal goal setting and self-reinforcement can also reduce the stress that people experience when they enter new work settings. Control stress consequence. Physical exercise reduces the physiological consequences of stress by helping employees moderate their breathing and heart rate, muscle tension, and stomach acidity. Practice relaxation and meditation techniques during the workday. Receive social support. It potentially improves person’s resilience because support makes people feel valued and worthy. Social support also provides information to help the person interpret, comprehend, and possibly remove the stressor. .
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