Friday, May 31, 2019
Making an Impact :: Teaching Education Careers Essays
Making an ImpactToday, society demands more of teachers than ever before. In many cases teachers ar required not only to teach their study area, but to also teach values and skills needed to function properly in society. It is a heavy burden to handle, but I cannot wait to do it. I hope to make a positive impact on students lives.Education is very important because it must prepare students to take on their dreams and goals. Without an didactics the chances of a student succeeding in animateness are very slim. Some students see school as an escape from a rough life at home or as their opportunity to go to college on an academic or athletic scholarship opportunities they would not have had otherwise. I would reserve students an equal opportunity in class, where everyone is on the same playing field, to gain an understanding of my content area, social studies, and how they can apply it to real-life situations.My plans for achieving my goal of becoming a teacher include staying dedicated and enthusiastic about my content area and the possibility of having a good influence on a young somebodys life. A love of learning about the areas of social studies will push me to continue learning. After graduating from college, I plan on obtaining a quashs degree and becoming a high school social studies teacher. As a teacher, I plan to join the National Education familiarity and join the teachers union at my district of employment. I see an advantage in teachers working together to provide a expose learning atmosphere for students. As an educator, my goal is to prepare students for the real world to the best of my abilities. Many times, teachers are the only guiding light in students lives and are often their greatest influence. inform is more than just a place for learning. The experiences students have in school usually lay the groundwork for the future of their lives. School is also a place for social interaction. The everyday interaction with other stud ents prepares them to handle themselves properly once their schooling is finished. If a person breaks the rules, he or she is punished for it, the same way they would if they broke a law in society. Discipline is essential in maintaining order in the classroom. A larger part of todays students lack the discipline and responsibility that should be learned at home.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Wedding Speech for a Maid of Honor or Best Woman -- Wedding Toasts Roa
Wedding Speech for a Maid of Honor or Best charwomanGood evening. I would like to thank all of you for attending this joyful occasion.For those of you that dont know me, Im Hanahs friend Erica, sometimes known as Natasha or Hanahs foot taller equal sister. Im sure you read in the playbill/program that I used to work with her in the accounting department. We hit it off from the start - two having a love for drama, we spent not only our working days together but every night as well. We got into trouble a lot for lecture too much - so much that it became necessary to write notes, crumple them up and throw them at each other when no one was looking. through with(predicate) the years we kept in contact while she went away to College and I even got to visit her in Seattle for a short period of time - a tip for everyone - the romantic-looking horse drawn carriage rides that take you through old town Seattle - arent very romantic when the horse has gas problems......Anyway, she finally came back from prepare and we spent practically everyday hanging out eating taco bell - she brought me ice cream in the hospital when my second child was natural and became Auntie Hanah to both my girls. She had finally come to the point of accepting the fact she was going to be an old maid at 24, when she called me one day and verbalize she had lunch with some people from church and this guy named Ray, who afterwards had asked her to com... ...e only time that you will have the upper hand in this union.And to both of you a little advice To keep a marriage brimming with love in the loving cup- When you are wrong, admit it and when you are right, shut upI now invite you all to stand and raise your glasses in a toast To Hanah and Ray, Heres to marriage, that happy estate that resembles a pair of scissors So coupled that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite directions, yet punishing anyone who comes between them. - May your imperfections make you perfect for each othe r. - May your wedding days be fewer and your anniversaries many. - and May God bless your marriage and your home To love laughter and happily ever after
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
John Brown: Violent Abolitionist :: essays research papers fc
jakes Brown was born(p) on May 9, 1800 in Torrington, Connecticut. When he was about five historic period old, his father travel the family to Hudson, Ohio. There, John was filled with the heavy anti-slavery sentiment that was present in that area. This, combined with personal observations of the maltreatment of blacks and the influence of Calvinism, started John Brown on his crusade to annul slavery. In 1855, Brown and several(prenominal) of his sons moved to Kansas, a grime deeply divided over the slavery issue. Brown was sufferd subsequently the raid, sentenced to death, and was hung on December 2, 1859 in a field near town.On October 16, 1859, abolitionist John Brown and several followers seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The actions of Browns men brought subject field attention to the emotional divisions relating to slaveryOn Pottawotamie Creek, on the dark of May 24, 1856, Brown and his sons murdered three men who supported slavery, althou gh none actually have slaves. Brown and his sons escaped. Brown spent the next three years collecting money from wealthy abolitionists in order to establish a colony for gambol slaves. To accomplish this, Brown needed weapons and so decided to capture the arsenal at Harpers Ferry. In 1794, President George Washington had selected Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and Springfield, Massachusetts, as the sites of the new national armories. In choosing Harpers Ferry, he noted the benefit of great waterpower provided by both the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. Producing of weapons began in 1796. In 1817, the federal government contracted with John H. Hall to manufacture his patent rifles at Harpers Ferry. The armory and arsenal continued producing weapons until its destruction at the outbreak of the Civil War. In the summer of 1859, John Brown, using the alias Isaac Smith, took up manor hall near Harpers Ferry on a farm in Maryland. He trained a group of twenty-two men, including his sons Olive r, Owen, and Watson, in military training. On the night of Sunday, October 16, Brown and all but three of the men marched into Harpers Ferry, capturing several watchmen. The first victim of the raid was an African-American railroad baggage handler named Hayward Shepherd, who was shot and killed after confronting the raiders. During the night, Brown captured several other prisoners, including Lewis Washington, the great-grand-nephew of George Washington. There were two keys to the conquest of the raid.John Brown Violent Abolitionist essays research papers fc John Brown was born on May 9, 1800 in Torrington, Connecticut. When he was about five years old, his father moved the family to Hudson, Ohio. There, John was filled with the heavy anti-slavery sentiment that was present in that area. This, combined with personal observations of the maltreatment of blacks and the influence of Calvinism, started John Brown on his crusade to abolish slavery. In 1855, Brown and several of his so ns moved to Kansas, a territory deeply divided over the slavery issue. Brown was captured after the raid, sentenced to death, and was hung on December 2, 1859 in a field near town.On October 16, 1859, abolitionist John Brown and several followers seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. The actions of Browns men brought national attention to the emotional divisions relating to slaveryOn Pottawotamie Creek, on the night of May 24, 1856, Brown and his sons murdered three men who supported slavery, although none actually owned slaves. Brown and his sons escaped. Brown spent the next three years collecting money from wealthy abolitionists in order to establish a colony for runaway slaves. To accomplish this, Brown needed weapons and so decided to capture the arsenal at Harpers Ferry. In 1794, President George Washington had selected Harpers Ferry, Virginia, and Springfield, Massachusetts, as the sites of the new national armories. In choosing Harpers Ferry, he noted the benefit of great waterpower provided by both the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers. Producing of weapons began in 1796. In 1817, the federal government contracted with John H. Hall to manufacture his patented rifles at Harpers Ferry. The armory and arsenal continued producing weapons until its destruction at the outbreak of the Civil War. In the summer of 1859, John Brown, using the alias Isaac Smith, took up residence near Harpers Ferry on a farm in Maryland. He trained a group of twenty-two men, including his sons Oliver, Owen, and Watson, in military training. On the night of Sunday, October 16, Brown and all but three of the men marched into Harpers Ferry, capturing several watchmen. The first victim of the raid was an African-American railroad baggage handler named Hayward Shepherd, who was shot and killed after confronting the raiders. During the night, Brown captured several other prisoners, including Lewis Washington, the great-grand-nephew of George Washington. There were two keys to the success of the raid.
Alcohol and Drinking - America Must Lower the Drinking Age :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
America Must Lower the Drinking AgeIn new(prenominal) countries around the world if you be under the age of 21 you piece of ass drink alcohol some countries dont even have an age limit, merely in America you have to be 21 to buy alcohol. You can go to war and die for your country when you are 18, you can also vote, buy cigarettes, but you cant buy alcohol. One of the main causes of the drinking age being set to 21 was teenagers were getting into car accidents after getting drunk. I am non saying driving under the influence should be legal. What I am saying is there should be more government programs to educate and prevent mess from driving intoxicated.More and more people under the age of 21 are experiencing alcohol. A survey released by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and medicate Abuse (TCADA) found that by the time Texas teenagers are seniors in high school, more than 80% of the teens admit to having some experience with alcohol. The same study found that secondary stude nts say its easy to get beer, wine or liquor. (qtd. in Westbrook) Texas is a zero tolerance state for nonaged drinking it has some of the strictest penalties for underage drinking, and if 80% of the teenagers in Texas have had experiences with alcohol that tells me that the campaigns against underage drinking, and zero tolerance programs are not working. Teens are going to drink alcohol at i point of their lives. So instead of spending all this money to prevent teens from drinking maybe it should go toward programs, or educating these teens around alcohol so they can make a informed decision about drinking. There are programs now that educate people under the age of 21 about alcohol. These programs are being implemented in colleges around the country, and are about the choices of using alcohol. At the University of Virginia they are taking a more of an old-fashioned approach to educating college students about alcohol use. They are using two, two-and-a-half hour courses in cla ss rooms called Choices. They are boasting high results from this program a total of 75 part of participants said they planned to reduce how much they drink in the future, while 85 percent indicated they had spoken to a friend. (Altamirano). If these programs have high success rates, I think these programs should be put in high schools as well.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Brave New World :: essays research papers
In the book, Brave New World, there are many examples of prophecy. The send-off example of prophecy is cloning. In the book they were cloning up to 96 people that all looked identical. Today we have successfully cloned a sheep, and we are wretched towards possibly cloning humans just like the book prophesied. The second example of prophecy is brainwashing and hypnotism. In the book they conditioned, or brainwashed, the infants and children to like and hate certain things for the purpose of increased consumption. Today, there are certain things that hypnotise us like commercials and billboards. More strongly there are hypnotist who hypnotize people in order to find out about someones past and also to tried to cure their bad habits and phobias. This is just effect of opinion, but brainwashing is probably going on behind the scenes of our government. The final example of prophecy is genetically altering embryos. In the book they altered the embryos to conduct some not as smart as others. They also did it to put the people in different rank systems. They also, not mentioned in the book, prevented diseases from the altering of the embryos. for sure there were many things that Aldous Huxley prophesied that came true.There were many examples of fantasy in the book, Brave New World. The first is the thought of no mothers and fathers. In the book they had no mothers or fathers and those words were considered bad. They belonged to the state and that was all they needed. Today, mothers and fathers affect their children so greatly that the thoughts of there not being mothers or fathers are just so far-fetched. People instantly wouldnt conform to that, because they are proud of having children and continuing certain traditions and family names. The next example of fantasy is the Bokanovsky Process. In the book they would have one egg that shiver into 96 eggs over a certain time which produced 96 identical twins. I believe that wouldnt happen today because we live in a world that relies on the individual for stability. If one would take away peoples individuality by making them 95 sisters and brothers then the undivided world would be in an uproar. The last example of fantasy is caste colors. In the book there was 5 different castes in which each caste had their own color. Today the thought of everyone dressing alike would be absurd.
Brave New World :: essays research papers
In the entertain, Brave New World, there are many examples of prophecy. The first example of prophecy is cloning. In the book they were cloning up to 96 people that all looked identical. Today we have successfully cloned a sheep, and we are moving towards possibly cloning humans just like the book prophesied. The second example of prophecy is brainwashing and hypnotism. In the book they conditioned, or brainwashed, the infants and children to like and hate real things for the purpose of increased consumption. Today, there are true things that hypnotize us like commercials and billboards. More strongly there are hypnotist who hypnotize people in order to find out slightly someones past and withal to tried to cure their bad habits and phobias. This is just matter of opinion, but brainwashing is probably going on tin the scenes of our government. The final example of prophecy is genetically altering embryos. In the book they altered the embryos to make some not as smart as others . They also did it to put the people in different caste systems. They also, not mentioned in the book, prevented diseases from the altering of the embryos. Certainly there were many things that Aldous Huxley prophesied that came true.There were many examples of legerdemain in the book, Brave New World. The first is the thought of no mothers and fathers. In the book they had no mothers or fathers and those words were considered bad. They belonged to the state and that was all they needed. Today, mothers and fathers affect their children so greatly that the thoughts of there not being mothers or fathers are just so far-fetched. People today wouldnt conform to that, because they are proud of having children and continuing certain traditions and family names. The next example of fantasy is the Bokanovsky Process. In the book they would have one egg that split into 96 eggs over a certain clock which produced 96 identical twins. I believe that wouldnt happen today because we live in a w orld that relies on the individual for stability. If one would moderate away peoples individuality by making them 95 sisters and brothers then the whole world would be in an uproar. The last example of fantasy is caste colors. In the book there was 5 different castes in which each caste had their own color. Today the thought of everyone dressing alike would be absurd.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Gore-Tex Case Study Essay
1) Explain what happened to the Gore-Tex brand after the patent expired. What activity can firms use to try to maintain any return developed during the patent protection phase?When a patent expires, generally around 20 years after the original filing the inventor no longer has the exclusive rights to his or her invention at that placeby opening up the said patent to everyone to use. At this point other companies can offer comparative harvestings at reduced prices. Gore-Tex was smart to take advantage of their own patent and expand the product line to include other products using the same technology. The fellowship is overall smart by also not just relying on only the Gore-Tex technology but also expand into other areas.2) List many of the wide range of products where the Gore-Tex fabric has been applied.Some of the wide range of products where the Gore-Tex that has been applied are breathable fabric for coats advanced the science of regenerating tissues destroyed by disorder o r traumatic injuries developed next-generation materials for printed circuit boards and fiber optics and pioneered new methods to detect and control environmental pollution. On their website they even offer they offer Raincoats, coats, back-packs, shoes, trousers, soft pillory jackets, gloves, socks, hunter hats, baseball hat, gaiters, and bike hats all for men, women and kids.3) It seems that Gore Associates is heavily oriented towards technology what are some of the dangers of being too heavily focused on technology?Some of the dangers of being too heavily focused on technology are, losing employees to competitors, creating products that can cost your organization to lose money if it is not selling, and the product being created could be too complicated for the targeted audience. When too many projects are going on based on technology the costs can contract astronomical and can weigh down the company by tying up resources, both physical and monetary. Sometimes in developing to a greater extent and more companies will lose sight of the initial goal and/or come up with too many variables and loose the opportunity.4) Cooperatives and share-ownership schemes provide many attractions and benefits, but there are also limitations discuss these.The limitations of cooperatives and share-ownership schemes are that, any decrease in performance and fall in value of the shares can cause enormous fretfulness within the firm as they see the value of their savings decrease.5) What has been the Gore outline to achieving success in its markets? How is this strategy now being challenged?The Gore strategy to achieving success in its markets has been its diversity of the product and allowing employees to have opportunities to invest. Being creative in branding also helps the companys image.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Nelson Mandela Essay
Nelson Mandela was a man of honor. A man who sacrificed his life for the betterment of others. He was born July 18, 1918 in South Africa. He grew up in a segregated country. He later became an activist against apartheid. He protested and paraded the country. He got arrested and spends the next 27 years in prison. He still did not give up the fight against apartheid. by and by getting out of prison he became the first democratic elected electric chair of South Africa from 1991 to 1997. After his presidency he created several nonprofit organizations to help and make South Africa better.Nelson Mandela was a man who doesnt care what plenty cite or think about him. He always does what he thinks is right even when the majority disagrees with him he still goes on doing what he thinks is best. When he started fight to end apartheid, he knew that he was sacrificing his life. He knew that his life was shortened. That death was near, but he doesnt care because he knows that his sacrifice w ill pay dark eventu solelyy. Nelson Mandela was born in South Africa. All through his childhood, living in South Africa as a black man was brutal because of the apartheid.There was contrary school for black children. Restaurants were segregated, maids were used as slaves. Growing up, the rule at that time was that at 6 pm, a siren would sound, which meant that no black people were allowed on the streets after that time. If they are caught by the police they had to show prove of identity. If they couldnt produce this, they were arrested and put in jail. Black South Africans possessed noting during that era. No houses, no cars and they werent allowed to have accounts of any kind.Even at the mall there were different bathrooms for white people. Park benches were segregated public water fountains were segregated. more or less everything starting from the public transit to owning an apartment was separated between whites and blacks in South Africa. In 1961, Nelson Mandela became lead er of the armed wing branch of government. He protested all over the country, sabotaging the apartheid government. Since the non-violent way of trying to end apartheid is not working, he devices a plan which call to destroying several government buildings.Such as, the post office, the police get off and other government offices. It worked great until citizens started getting killed in the buildings. The police arrested him on numerous occasions, with no solid evidence they let him go. Finally they arrested him for treason and sabotaging the government. After getting arrested he was sentenced to 27years in prison. In the winter of 1964, Nelson Mandela arrived on Robben Island where he would spend 18 years of his 27 years prison sentence.Put in a small cell, with no bed, just a bucket for a toilet, he was forced to do hard labor in a quarry. He was granted one visitor a year for 30 minutes. He could write and receive one letter every six months. But Robben Island became the place, wh ich modify him. Through his intelligence, charm and relentless pursuit, Mandela eventually controlled even the most brutal prison officers to his will. He gained leadership over his prison mates and became the head of his own prison.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Nathan “Songs of Silence†Essay
The chapters of Songs of Silence hold together as a chorus of songs from one community, but shaped by the recollections of a fibber whose perspective ranges from the innocence of childhood to the maturity of a young adult who emerges unbroken from a failed relationship. One such chapters is Nathan and here the narrator is the reflective adult with a sophisticated notion of the wide range if meanings silence holds. Through the character of Nation she is able to present some aspects of this theme, which runs throughout the text in many different bureaus.Nathan acts strategically without words, but with potent meaning revenge (poking Tonys eye).Silence is a characteristic feature of Nathans personality, which is deep and profound even though he uses few words. The absence of words can mask/hide a great deal (still amnionic fluid run deep).Nathans deep and profound silence was evident even from his birth and the close connection he had with his sister, the narrator soulmates, welded together by our putting surface need for silence. They both started speaking late. However, her silence was different from his he was a man of dark blue silences, while hers hers was a silence of moons. Here the narrator suggests that contrary to the saying silence means consent, silence does not always mean consent or agreement nor are all unspoken people to be treated the same.The manna manna manna mahkita game establishes the communication between the narrator and Nathan. It has unspoken personal meaning for them and suggests that its ritual is concentrated with almost religious or spiritual significance. It shows that codes of communication which may appear insignificant or meaningless to others looking on, may be a way of expressing connections that (known) words cannot express.The different silences of the siblings allow them to explore, define and find their own authentic selves in their own ways. (E.g. The narrator and the ants, Nathan and his tightfistedness with money ). Silence, like money, can express identity.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Tulsa Race Riot and Floridas Rosewood Massacre
The Tulsa Race Riot and Floridas Rosewoood put to last In about the 75 years following the Tulsa Race Riot, there has been investigation on what has happened in Tulsa on the date May 31 and June 1, 1921. The Tulsa Race Riot was a devastating event in level where much had lost their lives, around ccc with recent investigations, and the Greenwood District of Tulsa was destroyed. The riot started over a racial dispute, involving a group of black men reaching to prevent a lynching of some opposite black man after he was arrested, that escalated in the worst way leaving over a super acid homeless.Afterwards this horrific event was hid from the public for many years and is just being brought to attention within the past 10 years. The community that was destroyed from fire and destruction from the riot has since been rebuilt and is a completely changed bea. just it is known there are still harsh feelings about what happened those many years ago and what little has been do to mak e up for it. No reparations progress to been made so far those who have suffered through the riot and survived and for the ones who didnt and their descendents.No one was convicted for his or her participation in the riot and no compensation has been inclined for the many destroyed homes leaving many people homeless. The survivors of the riot are utter their stories and it is understood that they are trying to get the knowledge of this disaster to spread to other places outside of Tulsa to hopefully get something positive out of it weather it be knowledge for others or something to cope with the grief.This event is not in history books and has not even been really talked about within and outside the community until recently. Nothing effective has been done to make up for what wrong has been done to the victims. Which should flat be changed, especially for the survivors of the incident who are still alive to their tragic story and share the truth that has been under wraps for so many years. Schools around Tulsa are now starting to talk about what happened but still no where in history books or anywhere else is it being taught.Floridas rosewood tree Massacre of 1923 was an event that occurred because of a rumor of a white woman being sexually assaulted by a black man, resulting in at least 10 men killed and most of the African American community of Rosewood devastatingly being burned down except for 2 buildings. In earlier years it was decent if there wasnt much questioning of the woman or the others that were around during the attack. Instead they just took the womans word for it and ignored any other allegations of what happened.The evidence of what happened spread around the area of Rosewood setting off a group of white man searching for an escaped convict they fake was to blame, resulting in the massacre. After many years of this massacre occurring and not being exposed, 50 thousand dollars has been put to the investigation to find out any more inform ation by looking through areas that which it has occurred. This, just like the Tulsa Race Riot, was a horrible act of racial violence that responsibility needs to be taken by the state it occurred in.But unlike Tulsa something has been done 7 million dollars has been assigned to the remaining living victims and the families of those who are no longer alive to try and make right for what has happened. This Compensation was effective enough but the one of the only ways to completely make up for what happened is if it was brought to light much sooner, and something was done about what happened many years ago when most of the people were still alive instead of waiting until now when everyone is dying off.Its understood that people rely waiting until most of the survivors have passed away and then tell the events of what has happened is going to be to late. The very few survivors that are left from this event are telling their story because if they dont know one would have known the tru th as to what happened during that duration of conviction the massacre occurred. So far both(prenominal) reconciliations have not been effective enough especially for the Tulsa Race Riot. That is why everything is going to be done to bring justice to those who have suffered through these events in history.To make up for what wrong has happened to the people that suffered through the Tulsa race Riot an amount of 8 million dollars is going to go to the victims and their families. This is more money than the Rosewood victims received only because the Tulsa Riot involved a great deal more of people. This amount is going to be given because of the grief they had to experience from death of the people around them, being homeless, the amount of time it took to get this event any recognition, and having to start their lives over from scratch since their property was destroyed and burned down. thousand dollars leave alone be given to any further research that needs to be conducted for the Tulsa Race Riot so that all information is gathered. Both events will be written about by professional historians to put in to textbooks of all over the country when all investigations are complete over time starting where it occurred and then spreading to different states due to the costs of new textbooks. What is being done is to restore the social peace between the state and the victims of these fed up(p) of events that were not accounted for many years so there is no hatred or anything negative between the two. MLA Citation
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Nitesh@Solutions Unlimited Essay
Executive SummaryNitish is disturbed by certain situations that have hampered his sexual congress with Meena since his joining Solutions Unlimited. He is faced with three options namely he can work to mend his relation with Meena, leave the company and search for other prospects or reach knocked out(p) to the top management. These options have to be evaluated on what impact they would have in his life story and at the workplace. Staying at the transcription and working towards mending transaction with Meena seems to be the best option. But he should in any case accept his part in creating much(prenominal) situations at the first place.Word Count100Contents1. billet Analysis 1 2. Problem Definition 2 3. Options.. 2 4. Criteria for evaluation.. 2 5. Evaluation of Options.. 3 6. Recommendation. 4 7. Action Plan...4Nitish Solutions Unlimited- conclusiveness ReportSituational AnalysisNitish has a good academic background and he was admired by his seniors as well his colleagues i n his previous conjecture. But later on working for two years in a consultancy firm in Jamshedpur, he sought to work in a different city and so he applied for Solutions Unlimited through his friend, Arvind. Arvind and Vidya had told him that Solutions Unlimited would give him a good environment to work in and the informal culture here would feed his work enjoyable and would withal provide him with many opportunities to grow. The chain of events that took place since he joined the orgainsation have now made Nitishs staying in the organisation difficult as his relations with Meena and Mr. Alagu have turned sour. He was non satisfied with the initial offer given to him and that led to Meena macrocosm given a mouthful by Mr.Kapoor. Also there were issues regarding the payment of severance to his previous employers and his spouses travel. According to the companys policy only 50% of the severance pay was take upe and there was no policy to pay for spouses travel.This led to Nitish being put in a heavy(p) light in from of Mr. Alagu. take down though he got opportunities to participate in various projects but he was not allowed to work properly by Meena. For fount he was not allowed to go to New Zealand with Mr. Kapoor and also he was told that he would not be needed for the project from Korea as the scope had changed. He was also taunted by Mr. Alagu and Meena when they came to know that he was working closely with the MD. All these events have disturbed him as he didnt want any bad line of business between anyone in the workplace. But all these things place in the first place owing to many flaws in Solutions Unlimited and also by Nitish. Even though he had eff from two organisations he was careless and unprofessional while negotiating the salary with Venkat. He also believed when Venkat said that his severance pay and also his wifes travel pay would be done he didnt take any written confirmation from him. He was careless copious to lose the email.There was no proper structure in the organisation. There were no Director and Associate Director for Human Resources, and Meena and Venkat were quite inexperienced in the organisation. The policies were not communicated to Nitish when he joined and so there was dispute regarding payment of severance. Recently his work has been appreciated by the CEO and Manish. He was asked by Meena to go to Nagpur to finalise the details of the project he was involved in and also handle the project. This has given an opportunity to Nitish to introspect and think about his future persist of action. Problem StatementThe problem facing Nitish is what course of action he should take after coming from Nagpur. He is faced with the dilemma of whether to work towards structure a good relation with his peers in the organisation or search for better prospects elsewhere. Options1. Nitish should work baffling towards removing the bad blood between himself and Meena and concentrate on building a good future in So lutions Unlimited. 2. Nitish should leave the organisation and search of better prospectselsewhere. 3. Nitish should take the matter to Manish and let them know how he is being treated and ask for necessary steps to be taken. Criteria for EvaluationThe options need to be evaluated such that they satisfy the following criteria 1. Impact on Nitishs career the course of action should be such that his career does not take a downfall. 2. Impact at the workplace the course of action should improve his experience at workplace rather than degrade it. Evaluation of Options1. Staying in the organisationa. Nitishs work is admired and his experience is appreciated by his seniors at the company. He has been given the responsibility of handling the project he was working in. If he can stop complaining and take proper steps towards improving the relations between Meena and himself, then he will have lesser problems to worry about.His impression in front of Manish is very good and is he continues t o work stiff then his career will take a great leap. b. When his relationship with Meena is mended, he will automatically come in the good books of Mr. Alagu. Eventually the things that employ to disturb him will go away and he will be happy with his career. 2. Leaving the organisationa. Leaving the company on bad damage will surely hamper his career. The feedback from the previous employers will create a bad image. This will affect his future prospects and his career growth. b. Provided he gets a job elsewhere, his previous image will do him no help in front of his peers and seniors. He will face difficulty securing better projects and this will land more to his situation. 3. Taking matters to the top managementa. Taking matters to Manish may help in certain ways to review the internal policies but this will work on further create cracks in his relation with Meena and Mr. Alagu. This would create more problems in his career and he would lose trust among many seniors in the orga nisation. b. This will not improve his conditions in his workplace and he will create more enemies due to his high-handedness. RecommendationsI recommend that Nitish should stay in the organisation and work hard to build a better relationship with Meena and Mr. Alagu. Action PlanNitish, first and foremost should identify how he was also partly responsible in creating such situations in the first place. Rather than hoping that things should work out, he should approach Meena and have a talk about how things have led to such acerbic relation between them and work out their differences. He should accept his wrongdoings and also bring out the fact that policies also need to be reviewed so that such situations dont crop up again.
Dylan and Dickinson : A Comparative View of Death Essay
Beca function I could not stop for Death and Do not Go Gentle into This Good Night are poems written by various authors in different condemnation periods. Beca employ I could not stop for Death is a poem written by Emily Dickinson in which final stage is personified. Do non Go Gentle into This Good Night is poem written by Dylan Thomas in which confront death and the death of his father is recounted. Thomas and Dickinson use the same dominant recurring images to explore the archetypal themes of birth, time, and death. Questioning traditional values and redefining religion was a common theme throughout the 1900s. Religion in the departed offered reasons for why certain natural things occurred. Darwin developed his theories on natural selection and the existence was educated. It was no longer God that chooses what happens it is nature (Conlin 782). In the past death was seen as a normal part of life, and that god is control of who and when death occurs.In Do not go gentle into th at well(p) night, Dylan challenges the subscriber to defy God, and nature and fight against death. In phone line 2, Dylan writes Old age should flame and rave at the close of the day. Dylan flirt withs that even mint at the end of their life should fight for every breath. He also writes Good menWild menGrave men all mean should wrestle death and keep life in their grasps. Exploring death as not unsloped God determined event but an event in which each individual can play active role in, is a common theme found throughout the 20thcentury in literature, rhyme, and public debate. Dickinson takes a more passive and reflective approach. Dickinsons primary intent is not either hope for immortality or the experience of living with the knowledge of death. two are traditional interpretations of Because Death Could Not Stop for Me, but certainly not the only two possible ones. Death is described by Dickinson as an unintelligent betrayer.His kindness and civility and supposed immorali ty are just illusions to make the narrator and every living person go quietly with death. Dickinson did not write for an audience. She was not trying to inspire or educate. After experiencing the death of several people close to her, Dickinson was grieving, angry, and confused. The narrator of the poem was not prepared for death. In line 15 16, For only gossamer my gown, / My tippet only tulle, the narrator was not dressed, wearing only underclothes or night gown, when death came for her. The fragmented society, and late painful world events is also reflected in 20thcentury literature. Much of poetry written during this time is considered incoherent or fragmented, and certainly this Dylan Thomas poem is disjointed (Banks, par 8). While the poem does have a rhyme scheme to each verse much of the text is incomplete or abstracted words. The verses are written like sentences but lack the grammar and structure of a true sentence.Also in line 2, Old age should be burn and rave at close of day, Dylan writes leaving out the definite article the before close. Dylan purposely removes or leaves out words. He does this to forcibly mistreat the reading of the poetry so that it more closely resembles human thought (Cyr, par 14). This lack of grammar and traditional forms is a quality found in 1900s literature. Authors during this time fought against the norms of society and the rules that society placed on everyone. Modern poets love to shake, shock, and disgust the reader. They do this to spring the reader the into action, even if that action is to hate the poem and the author. They pauperization for the audience to feel something, and feel it intensely. In Do not go gentle into that good night, Dylan uses the technique of repetition of a particular line to drill his message into the minds of the audience.Rage, rage against the dying of the light (ln 3, 6, 9 12, 19), write Dylan Thomas to poke at the reader hoping the ensues agitation makes them wonder why, and then h ow. The bill of the line reminds the reader of someone knocking against their coffin knock, knock against the coffin. (Westphal, par 4) Demanding the audience to grab at their last breath from death. 20thcentury authors agitate to motivate society to become active and involved in their lives, even if that motivation comes from fear and anger. The use of rhythm and repetition can also be seen in Dickinsons work. Sad thoughtfulness can be found in stanza 2 and the beginning of stanza 3. The narrator describes several things while traveling with death children playing, field of grain, and the sunset. After passing these things the narrator has a realization and comments Or rather, be passed us It was the narrator and death were actually stilling still and life was wretched pass them. Languor or listlessness can be seen in line 5, we slowly drove and he knew no haste. The narrator also stop her daily activities because of death, and states And I had put a elbow room / My labor, an d my leisure too.The tone of repressed terror is created by the following lines line 3 The carriage held but just ourselves, line 14 The dews grew quivering and chill. Each creates the feeling of emptiness, loneliness, and the bitter cold of literal loss and physical death. The poem also has a tone of spring up resignation. The narrator is not fighting death. The narrator is not shocked at his arrival or that trip they take together. If read in the right way the rhythm is slow and monotone. The sound of slow horses hooves hitting the grove and is almost like death march. The tone is not sad but calm, reserved, and excepting that death is an indispensable part of existing. The philosophical issues of life are explored by both Emily Dickinson and Dylan Thomas. While decades a part in their lives they choose to explore the issues of time, death, and birth in their poetry again and again. Dickinsons Because I could not stop for Death breathes life into Death creating a character that is kind in appearance but heavy-handed in action.The emphasis of her poem is death and the feeling of dying saturates the entire prose. Whereas Thomas chooses to celebrate life and the living in his poem Do Not Go Gentle Into This Good Night It is only the last three lines of the poem that he addresses death at all. Both author skillfully use the images of the death, dying, and light to convey their own opinions on the archetypal motifs of birth, death, and life.Works CitiedBianchi, Martha Dickinson, and Alfred Leete Hampson, eds. Unpublished Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston Little, Brown, 1936.Conlin, Joseph R. The American Past. 7th ed. Belmont Thomson, 2004.Thomas, Dylan. Do not go gentle into that good night. The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas. New York New Directions, 1953 128.Westphal, Jonathan. Thomass Do not go gentle into that goodnight. The Explicator 52.2 (1994) 113-15.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Acoustic Signal Based Traffic Density Engineering Essay
trading monitoring and parametric quantities estimation from urban to battlefield environment business is fast-emerging field ground on acoustic p channeltary houses. This paper considers the job of vehicular dealings absorption assessment, ground on the information nowadays in additive acoustic auspicate acquired from a roadside-installed individual mike. The happening and mixing weightings of art fraudulent scheme notes ( Tyre, Engine, Air Turbulence, Exhaust, and Honks etc ) argon determined by the prevalent calling denseness conditions on the r knocked out(p)e section. In this work, we extract the short-run spectral windbag feature of speechs of the cumulative acoustic ratifys utilizing MFCC ( Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients ) . The ( Scaly Conjugate Gradient ) SCG algorithmic program, which is a supervised acquisition algorithm for network-establish rules, is use to calculate the second- suppose information from the two start-off-order gradients of the pa rametric quantities by utilizing all the preparation datasets. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy classifier is used to anatomy the job denseness responsibleness as Low ( 40 Km/h and supra ) , ordinary ( 20-40 Km/h ) , and Heavy ( 0-20 Km/h ) . For the development geographicss where the relations is non-lane driven and helter-skelter, other proficiencys ( magnetic cringle sensors ) ar unsuitable. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy classifier is used to sort the acoustic ratify sections crossing continuance of 20-40 s, which consequences in a categorization rightfulness of?95 % for 13-D MFCC coefficients, 95 % for first order derived functions and 95 % for second order derived functions of cepstral coefficients.Keywords acoustic distinguish, Noise, dealings, Density, Neuro-Fuzzy.IntroductionAs the figure of vehicle in urban countries is of all time increasing, it has been a major concern of metropolis g everywherenments to ease effectual control of barter f humbleds in urban countries 1 . Partic ularly in first-come-first-serve seconds, even a hapless control at traffic signals may ensue in a long clip traffic jam doing a concatenation of holds in traffic flows and besides CO2 emanation 2 . Density of traffic on roads and important roads has been increasing invariably in recent old ages repayable to motorisation, urbanisation, and population growing. Intelligent traffic direction outlines argon needed to avoid traffic congestions or accidents and to guarantee safety of route users. barter in developed states is characterized by lane driven. Use of magnetic cringle sensors, realize cameras, and velocity guns proven to be efficient plan of attack for traffic monitoring and parameter extraction al superstar the installing, operational and bearing cost of these detectors signifi tintly adds to the exalted operational disbursal of these devices during their life rhythms. Therefore research workers have been maturation several Numberss of detectors, which have a figu re of important advantages and disadvantages relative to each other. Nonintrusive traffic-monitoring engineerings dishd on ultra skilful, radio detection and ranging ( Radio, Laser, and Photo ) , picture and audio signals. every(prenominal) above present different features in basiss of nerve to alterations in environmental conditions industry, installing, and fix costs safety ordinance conformity, and so forth 3 .Traffic watchfulness systems establish on picture cameras c everyplace a wide scope of different undertakings, such(prenominal) as vehicle count, lane tenancy, velocity measurings and categorization, but they besides detect critical events as brace and fume, traffic jams or lost lading. The job of traffic monitoring and parametric quantity appraisal is most normally solved by deploying inductive cringles. These cringles are sincerely intrusive to the route paving and, thusly cost associated with these is really high. Most video analytics systems on main roads focus on computation and categorization 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 . Using general engrossed surveillance cameras for traffic analysis is demanding occupation. The quality of surveillance informations is by and large hapless, and the scope of operational conditions ( e.g. , dark clip, inclement, and iridescent conditions ) requires robust techniques. The recitation of route side acoustic signal seems to be best attack for traffic monitoring and parametric quantity appraisal intent prop really low installing, operation and occupy cost low-power demand operate in twenty-four hours and dark status.Conventional anatomy categorization involves constellating growing samples and tie ining bunchs to abandoned classs with restrictions of lacking of an effectual manner of specifying the boundaries among bunchs. On the contrary, fuzzed categorization assumes the boundary among two neighbouring categories as a uninterrupted, overlapping country within which an object has shifti al rank in each category 9 . In brief, we use fuzzed IF-THEN regulations to depict a classifier.Assume that K forms, p= 1, .. K are given from two categories, where is an n-dimensional chip vector. Typical fuzzed categorization regulations for n = 2 are likeIf is weeny and is really big so= ( ) belongs to C1If is big and is really little so= ( ) belongs to C2Where are the characteristics of form ( or object ) P, little and really big are linguistic footings characterized by appropriate rank maps. The firing strength or the grade of rightness of this regulation with ensure to a given object is the grade of belonging of this object to the category C.Most of the categorization jobs rest of spiritualist and large-scale datasets, illustration familial research, character or face acknowledgment. For this different methods, such as nervous webs ( NNs ) , support vector machines, and bay classifier, have been implemented to work out these jobs. The network-based methods can be trained with gradient based methods, and the computations of new points of the web parametric quantities by and large dep decease on the size of the datasets. One of the network-based classifiers is the Neuro-Fuzzy disseverifier ( NFC ) , which combines the powerful description of fuzzed categorization techniques with the larning capablenesss of NNs.The Scaled Conjugate Gradient ( SCG ) algorithm is based on the second-order gradient supervised study process 10 . The SCG executes a trust part measure alternatively of the line hunt measure to scale the measure size. The line hunt attack requires more parametric quantities to find the measure size, which consequences in increasing preparation clip for whatsoever learning method. In a trust part method, the outgo for which the theoretical account map will be trusted is updated at each measure. The trust part methods are more robust than line-search methods. The disadvantage associated with line-search method is eliminated in the SCG by utilizing the trust part method 10 .We start with a word picture of the route side cumulative acoustic signal which consisting several flutter signals ( tyre preventive, engine to-do, wrinkle upheaval racquet, and honks ) , the mixture weightings in the cumulative signal varies, depending on the traffic denseness conditions 11 . For low traffic conditions, vehicles tend to travel with medium to high velocities, and therefore, their cumulative acoustic signal is dominated by tyre perturbation and railway line turbulency echo 11 , 12 . On the other manus, for a to a great extent congested traffic, the acoustic signal is dominated by engine-idling racket and the honks. Therefore, in this work, we extract the spectral characteristics of the wayside acoustic signal utilizing Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients ( MFCC ) , and so Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier is used to find the traffic denseness province ( low, middling and Heavy ) . This consequences in 95 % truth whe n 20-30 s of audio signal grounds is presented.We begin with description of the assorted psychological disorder signals in the cumulative acoustic signal in Section II. Overview of past work based on acoustic signal for traffic monitoring is provided in Section III, followed by characteristic extraction utilizing Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients in IV. Finally, the experimental apparatus and the categorization consequences by SCG-NFC are provided in Section V, and the decision is summarized in Section VI.VEHICULAR ACOUSTIC SIGNALA vehicular acoustic signal is mixture of assorted noise signals such as tyre noise, engine pulsate overing noise, noise collectible to wash up, engine block noise, noise ascribable to aerodynamic effects, noise due to mechanical effects ( e.g. , axle rotary motion, brake, and suspension ) , atm-turbulence noise and the honks. The mixture weighting of spectral constituents at any location is depends upon the traffic denseness status and vehicle veloc ity. In former instance if we consider traffic denseness as freely fluxing so acoustic signal is chiefly due to tyre noise and air turbulency noise. For medium flow traffic acoustic signal is chiefly due to large-minded set thrust by noise, some honks. For heavy(p) traffic status the acoustic signal is chiefly due to engine tick overing noise and several honks. A typical vehicle produces assorted noise depends on its speed, burden and mechanical status. In general, estimate can be done as vehicular acoustic signal is categorized as,Tyre noiseTyre noise refers to resound produced by identification number overing Sur as an interaction of turn overing Sur with route surface. The tyre noise is besides considered as chief beginning of vehicle s entire noise at a velocity high than 50 kilometers per hours 12 , 13 . Tyre noise has two constituents air noise and vibrational noise 13 , 14 . Air noise dominant in the oftenness ranges between 1 kHz to 3 KHz. On the other manus v ibrational noise is dominant in the frequency scope ascorbic acid Hz to ampere-second0 Hz. Effect is generated by route and Sur, which forms a geometrical construction that amplifies the noise ( elaboration consequences in tyre noise constituent in the frequence scope 600 Hz to 2000 Hz ) , produced due to tyre-road interaction 14 , 15 , 16 . The directionality of horn depends upon tyre geometry, tyre tale geometry, weight and torsion of Sur. The entire Sur noise power on with horn consequence lies in the frequence scope 700-1300 Hz.Fig. 1. Relationship between the noise of the Sur and the noise of the vehicle harmonizing to its velocity.The Sur noise is caused by deuce-ace different factorsThe Sur hitting the land ( Fig 2 )The quiver of the air through the tread form ( Fig 3 )The quivers go throughing through the Sur ( Fig 4 )( B ) ( degree Celsius )Fig. 2. ( a ) Tyre hitting the land, ( B ) Vibration of the air through the stride form, ( degree Celsius ) Vibrations go t hroughing through the SurEngine noiseEngine noise is produced due to interior(a) burning of engine. Engine noise contains a deterministic openhearted train and stochastic constituent due to aerate intake 11 . The fuel burning in engine cylinder leads to deterministic harmonic train where lowest harmonic tone refers to cylinder fire rate. On the other manus stochastic constituent is mostly due to the turbulent air flow in the air consumption, the engine chilling systems, and the alternator fans. The engine noise varies with velocity and the acceleration of vehicle 11 , 17 . A unmoving vehicle produces distinguishable engine tick overing noise whereas travel vehicle produces different engine noise in correspondence with cylinder fire rate. In the recent old ages, makers designs quieter engine to stamp down the noise degree. So engine noise might be strong on front side of elevator car compared to other waies.Exhaust noiseThe exhaust noise is produced due to full fumes syst em. The system goes from the engine burning compartment through exhaust tubings to the exhaust silencer nowadays at the dorsum of the vehicle conduce forthing exhaust noise. The exhaust noise is straight relative to burden of the vehicle 18 . The exhaust noise is characterised by holding power spectrum around lower frequences. Exhaust noise is affected by turbo coursers and after ice chest 18 , 19 .Air Turbulence noiseAir turbulency noise is produced due to the air flow generated by the boundary deliver of the vehicle. It is outstanding instantly after the vehicle base on ballss by the detector ( e.g. mike ) . It produces typical drive-by-noise or whoosh sound. The Air turbulency noise depends on the aeromechanicss of the vehicle, wind velocity and its orientation 20 , 21 .ACOUSTIC SIGNALS FOR TRAFFIC monitorToday s urban environment is supported by applications of computing machine vision techniques and pattern acknowledgment techniques including spotting of traffic mi sdemeanor, vehicular denseness appraisal, vehicular velocity estimate, and the designation of route users. before long magnetic cringle sensor is most widely used detector for traffic monitoring in developing states 22 . However traffic monitoring by utilizing these detectors still have really high installing and care cost. This non merely includes the direct cost of labour intensive Earth work but besides, possibly more significantly, the indirect cost associated with the break of traffic flow. Besides these techniques require traffic to be orderly flow, traffic to be lane driven and in most instances it should be homogenous.Mentioning to the developing part such India and Asia the traffic is non lane driven and extremely helter-skelter. Highly heterogenous traffic is present due to many two Wheelers, three Wheelers, four Wheelers, auto-rickshaws, multi-wheeled coachs and trucks, which does non follow lane. So it is the major concern of metropolis permit to supervise such helt er-skelter traffic. In such environment the cringle sensors and computer-vision-based tracking techniques are uneffective. The usage of route side acoustic signal seems to be good option for traffic monitoring intent holding really low installing, operation and care cost.vehicular Speed AppraisalDoppler frequence chemise is used to supply a theoretical description of individual vehicle velocity. Premise made that distance to the closest point of attack is known the solution can suit any line of attain of the vehicle with regard to the mike. 23 , 24 .Feeling techniques based on inactive sound sensing are reported in 25 , 26 . These techniques uses microphone array to observe the sound piteous ridges generated by route side vehicles and are capable of capable of supervising traffic conditions on lane-by-lane and vehicle-by-vehicle footing in a multilane carriageway. S. Chen et Al develops multilane traffic feeling construct based inactive sound which is digitized and proc essed by an on-site computing machine utilizing a correlativity based algorithm. The system holding low cost, safe inactive sensing, unsusceptibility to adverse conditions conditions, and competitory fabrication cost. The system performs good for free flow traffic nevertheless for congested traffic public presentation is solid to accomplish 27 .Valcarce et Al. work the differential clip holds to cipher the velocity. Pair of omnidirectional mikes was used and technique is based on maximum likeliness rule 3 . Lo and Ferguson develop a nonlinear to the lowest degree squares method for vehicle velocity appraisal utilizing multiple mikes. Quasi-Newton method for computational efficiency was used. The estimated velocity is obtained utilizing infer cross correlativity method based on time-delay-of-arrival estimations 28 .Cevher et Al. uses individual acoustic detector to gauge vehicle s velocity, breadth and length by jointly gauging acoustic moving ridge forms. gesture forms ar e approximated utilizing three envelop form constituents. Consequences obtained from experimental apparatus shows the vehicle velocities are estimated as ( 18.68, 4.14 ) m/s by the picture camera and ( 18.60, 4.49 ) m/s by the acoustic method 29 . They besides had estimated a individual vehicle s velocity, engine s unit of ammunitions per minute ( rpm ) , the figure of cylinders, and its length and breadth based on its acoustical moving ridge forms 17 .Traffic Density EstimationTime appraisal for making from beginning to finish utilizing existent clip traffic denseness information is major concern of metropolis governments. J. Kato proposed method for traffic denseness appraisal based on acknowledgment of temporal fluctuations that appear on the power signals in conformity with vehicle base on ballss through mention point 30 . HMM is used for observation of local temporal fluctuations over little periods of clip, extracted by ripple transmutation. data-based consequences show good truth for sensing of transition of vehiclesVehicular CategorizationClassification larning strategies normally use one of the undermentioned attacksStatistical classifiers based on Bayes determination theory, assume an implicit in chance distribution for unknown forms, e.g. maximal likelihood appraisal, maximal posterior chance appraisal, Gaussian mixture theoretical accounts, concealed Markov theoretical accounts or k-nearest neighbour method. syntactic or structural classifiers based on elongate or nonlinear interrelatednesss of characteristics in the characteristic vector lead to linear/non-linear classifier.Acoustic characteristic coevals are chiefly based on three spheres clip, frequence, and both time-frequency sphere.Time sphere characteristic coevals offers really low computational demand, but characteristics are frequently hampered by environmental noise or air current effects.Frequency sphere characteristic coevals see a stationary spectrum in a given clip launch. A s traveling vehicles are non-stationary signals, the influence of Doppler effects and signal energy alterations either have to be neglected or the investigated clip frame must be chosen short plenty to afford quasi stationary signal behaviour.Time-frequency sphere characteristic coevals see the non-stationary signal behaviour of go throughing vehicles and it lead to undefiled steps of signal energies in clip and frequence sphere at the same time, these attacks are holding a high computational complexness.TABLE I. Vehicular acoustic characteristic extractors and classifiersSphereRef. feature article cartridge removerClassifier usedAccuracyTime 31 TE, PCAFuzzy Logic, MLNN73-79 %95-97.5 % 32 Correlation based algorithmFrequency 33 HLANNVehicle 88 %Cylinder 95 % 34 HLA, DWT, STFT, PCAk-NNS, MPPkNN 85 %MPP 88 % 35 AR mod.MLNNup to 84 %Time-Frequency 36 DWTMPP98.25 % 34 HLA, DWT, STFT, PCAk-NNS, MPPkNN 85 %MPP 88 %TABLE II. Acronyms from subdivision III and IVTE Time Energy Distribution MLNN Multi Layer neural Network.PCA Principal Components AnalysisNN Artificial Neural NetworkHLA Harmonic Line Associationk-NNS K Nearest Neighbor SearchDWT distinguishable riffle TransformMPP Maximum Distance ApproachSTFT Short Time Fourier AnalysisAR mod. Autoregressive Mold quintal Continuous Wavelet TransformFEATURE EXTRACTION USING MFCCAn omnidirectional mike was placed on the prosaic pavement at approximately 1 to 1.5 m tallness, and it recorded the cumulative signal at 16000 Hz trying frequence. Samples were collected for clip continuances of around 30s for different traffic denseness province conditions ( low, medium and heavy ) . The assorted traffic denseness states induce different cumulative acoustic signals. To turn out the above statement, we have examined the spectrograph of the different traffic province s cumulative acoustic signals.Fig. 3. spectrogram of the low denseness traffic ( above 40 kilometers per hour ) .Fig. 4. Spectrogram of the Medium denseness traf fic ( 20 to 40 kilometers per hour ) .Fig. 5. Spectrogram of the Heavy denseness traffic ( 0 to 20 kilometers per hour ) .For the low denseness traffic status in Fig. 3, we merely see the wideband drive-by noise and the air turbulency noise of the vehicles. No honks or really few honks are observed for low denseness traffic status.For the medium denseness traffic status in Fig. 4, we can see some wideband drive-by noise, some honk signals, and some concentration of the spectral energy in the low-frequency ranges ( 0, 0.1 ) of the normalized frequence or equivalently ( 0, 800 ) Hz.For the heavy denseness traffic status in Fig. 5, we notice about no wideband drive-by engine noise or air turbulency noise and are dominated by several honk signals. We handbill the several harmonics of the honk signals, and they are runing from ( 2, 6 ) kilohertz.The end of characteristic extraction is to give a good representation of the vocal piece of land from its response features at any peculiar cli p. Mel-Frequency cepstral coefficients ( MFCC ) , which are the Discrete Cosine Transform ( DCT ) coefficients of a Mel-filter smoothed logarithmic power spectrum. First 13-20 cepstral coefficients of a signal s short clip spectrum compactly capture the smooth spectral envelope information. We have decided to utilize first 13 cepstral coefficients to stand for acoustic signal for matching traffic denseness province. These coefficients have been really successfully applied as the acoustic characteristics in address acknowledgment, talker acknowledgment, and music acknowledgment and to capacious assortment of job spheres. Features extraction utilizing MFCC is as follows,Pre-emphasisPre-emphasis stage emphasizes high frequences. The pre-emphasis is a procedure of go throughing the signal through a filter. It is designed to increase, within a set of frequences, the magnitude of some ( normally higher ) frequences with regard to the magnitude of the others ( normally lower ) frequence s in order to better the overall SNR.Y n = x n -?x n-1 , ? ( 0.9, 1 ) ( 1 )Where ten n denotes foreplay signal, y n denotes end product signal and the coefficient ? is in between 0.9 to 1.0, ?= 0.97 normally. The end of pre-emphasis is to counterbalance the high-frequency portion that was suppressed during the sound aggregation.Framing and WindowingTypically, address is a non-stationary signal therefore its statistical belongingss are non changeless across clip. The acquired signal is assumed to be stationary within a short clip interval. The input acoustic signal is segmented into frames of 2040 MS with optional convergence of 1/31/2 of the frame size. Typically each frame has to be multiplied with a overacting window in order to maintain the continuity of the first and the last points in the frame. Its equation is as follows,W n = ( 2 )Where N is frame sizeY n = X n * W n ( 3 )Where Y n = Output signalTen n = scuttlebutt signalW n = Hamming WindowDue to the physical restraints, the traffic denseness province could alter from one to another ( low to medium flow to heavy ) over at least 5-30 min continuance. Therefore, we decided to utilize comparatively longer primary analysis Windowss of the typical size five hundred MS and version size of 100 MSs to obtain the spectral envelope.Fig. 6. Primary Windowss of size=500 MS and shifted by 100 MSs to obtain a sequence of MFCC characteristic vectors.DFTNormally, Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) is used to calculate the DFT. It converts each frame of N samples from clip sphere into frequence sphere. The calculation of the FFT-based spectrum as follow,Ten k = ( 4 )Where N is the frame size in samples, x n is the input acoustic signal, and. X k is the like FFT-based spectrum.Triangular bandpass filteringThe frequences range in FFT spectrum is really broad and acoustic signal does non follow the additive calibrated table. each filter s magnitude frequence response is triangular in for m and adequate to integrity at the Centre frequence and diminish linearly to zero at centre frequence of two next filters. We so multiply the absolute magnitude of the DFT samples by the triangular frequence responses of the 24 Mel-filters that have logarithmically increasing bandwidth and cover a frequence scope of 0-8 kilohertz in our experiments. Each filter end product is the amount of its filtered spectral constituents. Following equation is used to calculate the Mel for given frequence degree Fahrenheit in HZF ( Mel ) = 2595 * log 10 1+f/700 ( 5 )The ith Mel-filter bank energy ( is obtained as( = ( * , thousand ( 0, N/2 ) ( 6 )Where ( is the triangular frequence response of the ith Mel-filter. These 24 Mel-filter bank energies are so transformed into 13 MFCC utilizing DCT.DCTThis is the procedure to change over the log Mel spectrum into clip sphere utilizing DCT. The consequence of the transition is called Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient. The set of coefficient is calle d acoustic vectors.= cos ( ?j ) , j ( 0, 12 ) ( 7 )Data energy and SpectrumThe acoustic signal and the frames alterations, such as the cast out of a formant at its passages. Therefore, there is demand to add characteristics related to the alteration in cepstral characteristics over clip. 13 characteristic ( 12 cepstral characteristics plus energy ) .Energy=? X2 T ( 8 )Where X t = signalFig. 7. Input Acoustic signal, matching log filterbank energies and Mel frequence cepstrum for low traffic denseness provinceFig. 8. Input Acoustic signal, matching log filterbank energies and Mel frequence cepstrum for Medium traffic denseness provinceFig. 9. Input Acoustic signal, matching log filterbank energies and Mel frequence cepstrum for Heavy traffic denseness provinceADAPTIVE NEURO FUZZY CLASSIFIERAn reconciling web is a multi-layer feed-forward web where each node performs a peculiar map based on incoming signals and a set of parametric quantities refering to node. Fuzzy categorizati on systems, which are founded on the footing on fuzzy regulations, have been successfully applied to assorted categorization undertakings 37 . The fuzzed systems can be constituted with nervous webs, and attendant systems are called as Neuro-fuzzy systems 37 . The Neuro-fuzzy classifiers define the category distributions and demo the input-output dealingss, whereas the fuzzed systems describe the systems utilizing natural linguistic communication. Nervous webs are employed for developing the system parametric quantities in neuro-fuzzy applications. An ANFC consist of input, rank map, fuzzification, defuzzification, standardization and end product beds 37, 38, 39 .Fig. 10. An Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy ClassifierFigure 10 demonstrates infer classifier architecture with two input variables x1and x2. The preparation informations are categorized by three categories C1 and C2. Each input is represented by two lingual footings, therefore we have four regulations.Membership bed The end pr oduct of the node is the grade to which the given input satisfies the lingual label associated to this node. Normally, bell-shaped rank maps are chosen to stand for the lingual footings.( U ) = exp ( ) 2 ( 9 )Where ai1, ai2, bi1, bi2 is the parametric quantity set.The bell-shaped maps vary harmonizing to alterations in the values of these parametric quantities, therefore exhibiting assorted signifiers of rank maps on lingual labels Ai and Bi. In fact, any uninterrupted, such as trapezoidal and triangular-shaped rank maps are besides campaigners for node maps in this bed. The initial values of the parametric quantities are set in such a manner that the rank maps along each axis satisfy -completeness, normalcy and convexness. The parametric quantities are so tuned or trained with a descent-type method.Fuzzification bed Each node generates a signal corresponding to the conjunctive combination of single grades of lucifer. All nodes in this bed are labelled by T, because we can take any t-norm for patterning the logical and operator. The nodes of this bed are called regulation nodes.In order to cipher the grade of belongingness to certain category label the additive combination of the firing strengths of the regulations at Layer 3 and use a sigmoid map at Layer 4. If we are given the preparation set ( ) , k = 1, .. .. , K where refers to the k-th input form and=Experimental ConsequencesWe have collected the route side cumulative acoustic signal samples from chhatrapati square to T-point of Nagpur metropolis. Datas were collected with 16 KHz trying frequence. These informations covered three wide traffic denseness categories ( low, medium and heavy ) . Feature extraction is done utilizing MFCC where primary window size is 500 MS and displacement size is of 100 MS.Case 1 First 13 cepstral coefficients were considered.TABLE III. Classification truths of assorted traffic denseness categories based on individual frame.Traffic Density ClassAccuracy ( % )Low74Mediu m64Heavy72Case 2 The full characteristic vectors consisted of the first 13 MFCC coefficients and their first and 2nd order clip derived functions computed. This led to a 39-D characteristic vector per frame.TABLE IV. Classification truths of assorted traffic denseness categories based on first and 2nd order derived functions of first frame.Traffic Density ClassFirst order derived functionSecond order derived functionLow7574Medium6664Heavy7872Case 3 MFCC coefficients correspond to full frames are considered ( i.e. T= sample signal length in clip, ex. T=30s ) .DecisionThis paper describes a open technique which uses MFCC characteristics of route side cumulative acoustic signal to sort traffic denseness province as Low, Medium and Heavy utilizing Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier. As this technique uses simple mike ( cost 500 Rs ) so its installing, operational and care cost is really low. This technique work good under non lane driven and helter-skelter traffic status, and is independe nt of illuming status. Classification truth achieved utilizing Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy classifier is of 95 % for 13-D MFCC coefficients, 95 % for first order derived functions and 95 % for 2nd order derived functions of cepstral coefficients.The research on vehicular acoustic signal which is mixture of engine noise, tyre noise, noise due to mechanical effects etc. expands from vehicular velocity appraisal to denseness appraisal. The usage of route side acoustic signal seems to be an alternate, research shows acceptable truth for acoustic signal. Vehicular categorization with Acoustic signals proved to be first-class attack peculiarly for theater vehicles, and besides for metropolis vehicles.Clearer definitions of scenarios and applications are required to bring forth a more consistent radical structure of work. New application countries are likely to emerge for traffic signal timings optimisation utilizing cumulative acoustic signals and besides categorization of bikes proved to be e merging country for research. Finally the categorization systems can be extended in a manner that extracted characteristics are utilised as characteristic fingerprints, which affords trailing of vehicles over multiple detector nodes.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Defining Diversity: the Evolution of Diversity
DEFINING DIVERSITY THE EVOLUTION OF DIVERSITY by Camille Kapoor 1. INTRODUCTION WHAT IS DIVERSITY? The concept of kind encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each respective(prenominal) is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These posterior be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, informal orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical ability, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.It is the geographic expedition of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple perimeter to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of alteration within each individual (cited from http//gladstone. uoregon. edu/asuomca/diversityinit/definition. html). 2. PURPOSE OF THE PAPER This look into news report was conducted to see the evolution of diversity definition crossways the industry, specifically in hospitality industry.This qualitativ e question use transformation Task Force study which conducted in 2001 to confirm the definition of diversity, whereby diversity foundation be concluded as all characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals (Kapoor, 2011). On fall out of that, the purpose of this study is to illustrate the emergence of diversity concept into charge discussions, to discuss how the definition of diversity has broadened over time to become much inclusive, to present current concerns with a broad-based diversity definition, to put by researchers own definition of diversity (Kapoor, 2011) . DISCUSSION ON FINDINGS 3. 1 The Emergence of transformation Concept into Management Discussions establish on the researchers findings, the entrance of diversity concept into management discussions was traced as first as 1978 based on Supreme Court Case of Regents of Universiy of California v. Bakke. In 1987, report by Hudson Institute known as Workforce 2000 stated that women, blac ks, Hispanics and immigrants would make up 85 percent of new job seekers by the year 2000.In addition, this study similarly pointed out, more and more individuals be likely to drop dead with hatful who are demographically different from them in terms of age, gender, race and ethnicity. The formulation of 1964 urbane Rights Acts, Executive Order 11246 and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in 1965 made it illegal for companies to break up in the hiring or managing employees on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex or national origin.It is also requires organization to fall upon affirmative action to overcome past patterns of discrimination. In the following year, the protected classes expanded to implicate whiten women, veterans, tidy sum over the age of 40 and people with physical or mental disabilities. In 1990s, researchers began promoting the bloodline case for diversity as part of the reaction of observation that more diverse workforce tin enhance the overall business.Then, managing diversity become one of the economic interest and companies were warned that a separateure to in effect manage their diverse workforce would lead to poor performance or even place the connections image at risk. In late 1990s, the recognition that diversity is a reality end be seen and that a companys successes rely on their ability to effectively manage their workforce diversity. Managing diversity focuses on understanding people as individuals, rather than making assumptions about the needs and potential of individuals based on whether that person is of a specific gender or ethnic group.Managing diversity could also be understood as an equality strategy because it claimed to be able to recognize employees differences, date ensuring that policies and procedures did not treat them inequitably. The above emergence on diversity concept further corroborate by Hanappi-Egger and Ukur (2011) in below summary table of National forms of diversity manage ment. This research summarizes the evolution or evolvement of diversity management cross the world.Table 1 National Forms of Diversity Management Mobility of diversity management across borders Concept Affirmative action Equal Employment Diversity management ancestry case for diversity Opportunities management Year of Inception Mid 1960s and early 1980s Mid 1970s to early 1990s 1983 to 1990s 1990 Countries that adopted USA 1961 USA, Canada, UK, Australia, 1983-1990 in the US 1990-USA South Africa 1998 South Africa 1997 in the UK 2004-Australia Kenya 2007 1998 in the South Africa 1999 in Australia 2000 in Europe 2003 in Asia Intended beneficiaries Blacks, women, Hispanics, Women, racial minorities, White able-bodied males, corporate organizations native Americans, Asians persons with disabilities, also non-traditional aboriginal people employees Focus Numerical representation, Barrier elimination, Learning about others i. Business and strategic hiring compliance numerical representation, those who are different advantage reporting Cultural value revivify past wrongs Egalitarianism, meritocracy Inclusiveness, respect for Business advantage difference Intended value Representative workforce at Fair employment policies andAwareness of difference Business profits all levels access to practices better improved interpersonal and employment for disadvantagedrepresentation supportive intergroup communication groups climate human relations, skills attitude castrate Source Adopted from Hanappi-Egger and Ukur (2011) data obtained partly from Kelly/Dobbin (1998) and Agocs/Burr (1996) 3. 2 How the Definition of Diversity Broadened everyplace Time According to this research, there were two general approaches to understand workforce diversity being veritable in mid-2000s as below Narrow View define diversity nevertheless as it link up to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action focusing on r ecruiting and hiring a group of people of special races, genders or cultures. Broad View define diversity as a concept which includes every way in which people can differ attempts to maximizing the potential of all employees in draw a bead on benefit to the organization.However, the above definition of diversity further expanded when Diversity Task Force conducted a study in 2001 which emphasize on The importance of including secondary dimensions of an individual into the diversity definition such as communication style, work style, organizational role/level, economic status, and geographic origin besides only focusing on primary dimensions such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability and sexual orientation. The focus on people with non-visible differences such as sexual orientation. However, the focus is more on how their thinking styles, problem solving approaches, experiences, competencies, work habits, and management style can contribute to diversity evoluti on. The importance to include diversity dimensions which relevant to piece of work such as educational background, work experience, job status, tenure, learning style, and personality type. The differences even within the particular group.All the above evolution in diversity definition further supported and expanded in The iv Layers of Diversity dimensions by Gardenswartz and Rowe (2003). Compared to Narrow View and Board View approached established in mid-2000s to define diversity, The quartet Layers of Diversity explained below dimensions in defining diversity Personality deals with the stable set of characteristics that establishes ones identity inner Dimension represents characteristics that strongly influence peoples attitude, perception and expectations of others. These include factors such as age, gender, race, sexual orientation, or ethnicity External Dimension represents personal traits that we can exert control or influence over.They include factors such as incom e, personal and recreational habits, religion, education, work experience, appearance, marital status and geographical location organisational Dimension represents factors pertaining to the organization itself and includes work field, division or unit, seniority, union affiliation, management status and functional level. (Hanappi-Egger and Ukur, 2011) 3. 3 Current Concerns With a Broad-based Diversity Definition This research also highlights some concerns pertaining to broad-based diversity definition in current environment Difficulty to implement diversity initiatives lead to dissatisfaction among employees in the organization. Broad definitions of diversity can obscure issues of intergroup inequality because the management put more focus on managing individual differences that might defile intergroup relations. Promotions on diversity programs is yet to prove its effectiveness especially in diversity training.The result of the research conducted before were still ambiguous in its conclusions. Initial intention of the management to adopt a more broadly defined approach to diversity management become a problem when employee perceive it as management is dealing with individual differences rather than equity. The upbeat naivety of the diversity paradigm may fail to acknowledge past discrimination and therefore may prevent organizations from preventing future discrimination and racism stated that the organization should acknowledge the cultural and social diversity of where the organization exists so that the management able to weaken proper and suitable diversity initiatives. 4.Researchers Own Definition of Diversity as Conclusion Based on the study conducted, the researcher concludes that the finding is able to confirm the definition of diversity as per The Diversity Task Forces definition that is all characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals. However, the researcher has highlighted some concerns with broad definition of dive rsity that discrimination might appear unintentionally as a result of primary and secondary dimensions of diversity. Further, it is also emphasized the importance of recognizing that individuals with similar primary dimensions may look at very different secondary dimensions.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
A Discussion of Deceit and Betrayal Within Macbeth in Macbeth by William Shakespeare
English 12 October 8, 2010 A Discussion of Deceit and Betrayal within Macbeth In Macbeth by William Shakespeare Shakespeares play Macbeth is considered one of his bully tragedies. In the play, Macbeth faces an internal conflict with his opposing decisions. On one hand, he has to decide of he is to massacre the queen in order to claim his throne. This would result in his death for treason if he is caught, and he would also have to kill his friend.On the other hand, if he is to not kill him, he may neer realize his ambitious dreams of ruling Scotland. Another of his internal struggles is his desision of killing his friend Banquo. After hiring murderers to kill him, Macbeth begins to canvas Banquos ghost which drives him crazy, possibly a result of his guilty conscience. Macbeths external conflict is with Macduff and his forces trying to avenge the magnate and end Macbeths reign over Scotland. 1 specific motif is considered the major theme, which represents the overall atmosphere passim the play.In the world-class scene of the first act, three witches plan their next meeting in which they will meet Macbeth. It is in this scene that the motif is first presented, as the tree witches chant, Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover by the fog and filthy air (1. 1. 11-12). The witches meet again in scene three of act one. One of the witches discusses a curse she has come to the fored on a womans husband, because she refused to share her food. Macbeth enters during this scene along with Banquo, arriving from a jubilant battle.He uses the motif to describe the day as So foul and fair a day I have not seen (1. 3. 38). When Macbeth encounters the witches, they give him two predictions. One is that he will become the thane of Cawdor, and then the mightiness of Scotland. When hearing this, Macbeth immediately begins to plan his methods of obtaining these positions, including the murder of the king. Because of this, it may be assumed that he has thought of such(pren ominal) actions prior to the meeting. This is an ideal of what was once fair, a loyal and noble of Scotland, has become foul, an ambitious traitor.On the night of his murder, king Duncan is invited to a banquet hosted by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Once there, Duncan describes the castle in a positive manner. This fortification hath a pleasant seat the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses (1. 6. 1-3). Ironically, Macbeth murders him in his sleep in the castle. The main theme of the play is supported here, as this fair and pleasent castle, has become a foul place of betrayal and murder. This scenario is also seen at Macbeths second banquet, which he holds to show gratitude and love for his friends.Meanwhile, however, three murderers hired by Macbeth, kills his friend Banquo in order to prevent any threat or opposition to Macbeths reign. In her first appearances, Lady Macbeth is presented as an ambitiously evil and foul character that will do whatever it tak es to rise what she wants. We see this motivation in her when she says, How tender tis to love the babe that milks me I would, while it was smiling in my face have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums, and dashed the brains out (1. 6. 55-58).In these lines, Lady Macbeth threatens that she would smash her babys aim if it meant achieving their goals. However, after killing Duncan and becoming queen, she realizes her mistakes and is driven mentally ill by it. She is no longer capable to live with the guilt and fears of her actions. In her case, we see what was once foul, becomes fair. William Shakespeare uses record to develop the theme of the play. Disorders in nature during this time were a result of an evil doing disrupting the natural order of the world.In the play, Macbeths betrayal of Scotland is the cause of the disorders in nature. An example of these disorders is the woodlands that Macbeths messenger claims he saw. As I did stand my watch upon the hill I looked toward Birnam, and anon, methought, the wood began to move (5. 5. 33-35). Throughout the play Macbeth, the general mood is one of deceit and betrayal. What appears to be fair is foul. This is wherefore it is considered to be the major theme of the play.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
One Direction
Intro to Communication 2. oopm-3. 40pm edifying Speech Outline Dreams and Ambitions Purpose To protest my audience ab discover how to follow your own dream and path, non following anyone elses paths because they say you cant do something. l. Introduction A. Greeting Good evening bothone. B. Attention explicateter Today, Im going to see you the stories of my life history and person who I looked up to. When I was in middle naturalise, I was a dreamer and so was he. (Visual aid 1) One day, while watching Fast and Furious with my dad, I told him that when I was older, I would cash in ones chips a race cable car driver Just like Vin Diesel.My dad checked my temperature by and by I state that. (Visual aid 2) An other day I was watching Step Up with my mom and told her I would become a dancer. I would search up dance tutorials on Y come inube, watch them over and over again. sound in front of the mirror until I got it. But I never got it. And it Just annoyed my nourish that th ey kept hearing mammoth footsteps from my room and that they couldnt sleep. More recently, when I was half asleep on the wad on its steering to my school. I was suddenly awakened to this funky song sung by this dire maunderer. Then I knew Id become a singer.Excited for an upcoming school concert. I firmed up. Then my friends in school slammed me that no one would like me and that I would be the Joke to the school. I doubted myself since thusly. C. Credibility bid As someone who have been following every of his footsteps from he was as nice as a fetus. He represents an iconic symbol for having dreams, faith, and to never stop believing in yourself. I would like to inform you about this person. D. Thesis statement It didnt matter how many measures you got knocked down on the floor, but you admit one day you would have to get up and stand tall.Because everything has to start from omething, and something would be nothing if you didnt regard and have faith in yourself. Where w ould you be if you didnt believe. E. Preview of main purposes Im going to leave with your imagination to fgure out whom this person is. I go forth slowly leave clue about this person. So I result be talking about his not so ideal background, his struggles to superstardom, and his triumphs. This is his story. Transition II. Body A. Main brain 1 His background 1. Subordinate point (e. g. , According to ) He didnt have the happiest family, in the world.He didnt live in the biggest mansion in his neighborhood. And he didnt even come first place in a school singing competition. a. Support- According to Townhall. com, his mother had him when she was only 18 historic period old. She had to live through an abusive childhood. Because everyone was pressuring her to terminate her child. Because everyone thinks she didnt have sufficient finance to support for her child, since she worked for a series of low paying office Jobs. His rise up split when he was 10 months old. (Visual aid 3) b. Support- He came from a small town called Stratford, Ontario.When he was 12 years old, he exigencyed to play guitar and sing in front of a shopping mall. He would sit t the steps at the gate of the shopping mall and sing in the frosty night. His voice carry out throughout the whole street Every pedestrians would have to stop, pull out their camera and film it. He also Joined his school idol competition. With only 12 years of age, he demonstrated a wide range of musical talents. Such as pop, R and B, he even rap for the audience too. Sometime he would bust out dance move that burst the audience. Like the piece of cake guitar. His friends were surprised, they would ask him where did all of hose moves come from.However, he fall short in third place. Suffered his first rejection in his singing career. Transition/Signpost Now that I have mentioned his background. I will now talk about his struggles. B. Main point 2 His struggles 1. Subordinate point At this stage of success, t here will be Jealousy and hatred. There are people who emergency him to fall, they want him to be the next train wreck, and want him to fall on the ground and never be satisfactory to get back up. a. Support Celebrity gossip sites on the Internet such as TMZ, they will make up the most hideous and untrue stories about this take in.Here are examples of the stories they made up. According to TMZ, they envisage him walking slightly with his shirt off in he street of London. Saying its a sign of disrespectful. Other say that he illegally went to an under aged club with his shirt off. Later, he was asked during an winder about this issue, and he was Just sweaty and hot from a grueling three hours performance. According to mirror. co. uk, some other discussion site. They verbalize he was accused of hitting a paparazzi photographer in June while driving in the city of los Angeles who apparently stood right in front of his car.The paparazzi then have to be moved to a nearby hos pital for treatments. However, in the photograph, the paparazzi is a full grown adult with twice the size of this tyke. And another one, according to mirror. co. uk again, he was branded disgusting and revolting. For spitting from the top of his hotel. Transition to main point Now that I have talked about his struggles and challenges, I will then talk about his course to fame. C. Main point 3 His road to success. At this point of success, people are watching him every breath and every move he takes.He have basically grown up with cameras all around him. Therefore, there are people who Just want to see him fall. But he didnt take it as granted. He takes matter into his own hand. He became Just another kid on Youtube, to a general range eteran. a. Support Then came social media. A powerful source of information that aided him to establish to superstardom. When he was 12, he decided to mess around with youtube. Posting videos of him doing different cover in his small apartmen t. And one day, this manager. People liked his video, wanting him to do different covers.His subscribers on Youtube reached hundred of thousand. Then his mom, certain a call from her friends. Saying that theres this laugh at trying to reach her. He got a hold of his commodious aunt, got a hold of his school board. His mom was scared, asking herself, Who is this guy? . So she went to a computer peal and called the mysterious guy from an unknown number to verbalize him, Please stop calling She was trying to get rid of the anonymous man. Then they ended up taking from 2 to 3 hours. And this man, all the way from Atlanta. Told the mom and the kid to fly to him for a week with no strings attached.And he would introduce her to a bunch of other record producer to see if they want to sign the kid. If the mom didnt want to sign, then they would Just get a free vacation and back to life as usual. They flew to Atlanta. This anonymous guy was a manager for a small record studio. He picke d them up form the airport covey to his music studio. Then theres this expensive Range Rover drove up to their car. And step out of the car was Usher, this kid freaked out ran up to him. And told him, Im one of your biggest fan. Can I sing one of your song to you? after the manager warned him, What ever you do, dont say anything . Yet again, he suffered another rejection. Usher simply pushed him aside and said, Its dust-covered outside buddy, dont worry about it. He took off. This kid and the manager would fly to several states in 2 or 3 days. Meet with record producer, labels, and musicians. And every record label would say no to him. They said he had no platform. They need this kid to come from an experienced background like Disney. Theres no other option for him right now. Eventually this manager went to Ushers recording studio, and Usher had to let him tryout. After a a couple of(prenominal) minutes listening to this kid.He looked at the manager and asked him, Who is this k id? in astonishment. And the kid answered, miou dont remember. You blew me off the other day. It was not Just his amazing voice, it was his hair, his face, and his down to earth attitude. He just soaked up all the air in the room. It was beyond convinced that Usher had delivered a gift. Thats it, he has singed a contract with Usher. The mom and the kid is moving to the His grandfather, looking him walking pass the gate at the airport. He knew it was time to let this kid go. b. Support He started to go to radio station.There were 40 kids, then 80, then 100 kids, then a couple of hundreds kids lining up outside the radio station to see him. There are artists who address out arena and stadium world tour, he is now the member of this club. On his first record, in his first year and a half. Madison Square Garden in NY represents the pinnacle of success for an artist. The bun Stones, 132, Michael Jackson. And for this kid to play at MSG, and hes the headliner. This Just doesnt happ en. And MSG sold out tickets in 22 minutes. The immaculate show depends on 2 fibers in his vocal chord. Little things goes a very very large way. The moment we forget that, I think its over. Said his manager. There were people standing outside the arena because they cant affordti, what he did was he walked outside the arena and gave free tickets that sit right up shutdown to the stage to these girls. The fact that this kid can do this for his fans is amazing. In the end, its Just him with his pen, nd paper in a room expressing his feelings and telling the world who he really is through his music. He said, Im 19 years old. I think Im doing a pretty good Job.Basically from my heart I really Just want to say it really should be about music. It should be about the craft that Im making. This is not a appliance and Im an artist and I should be taken seriously. And hes right, so far at this point, he have won countless awards. 2 Grammy awards, 1 Brit awards, 6 Billboard harmony Aw ards, 7 American Music Awards, 11 Teen Choice Awards, and the most prestigious award in the music industry, the milestone award. Which lionise Ill. Conclusion IVe already signed up for the concert, its too late to back up now. I got on the stage alone, and I sung.My legs and hands were shaking. I asked myself Will I be a dumb fraud to the school? But no, the audience leaped up from their chair, they applaud and clapped. Shocking, I couldnt believe my own eye. Teachers were asking me to sing for their concert. Then I realized I was wrong. Theres nothing wrong with dreaming big, when you have believe in yourself. You only live once to follow your own dream. Dont follow anyone elses pathway. However, if youre lost in the wood and you found a pathway, by all mean follow that. And most importantly, dont listen to anyones advice.So heres my advice Heres the model that IVe lived by. Theres gonna be time in your life when people tell you that you cant do something. And theres gonna be ti me in your life when people say you cant live your dream. And theres gonna be time in your life when people say that you cant transmit out Madison Square Garden. This is what I tell them. Never Say Never. Justin Bieber Dont ever let someone tell you that you cant do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you gotta protect it. When people cant do something themselves, they are onna tell you that you cant do it.
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